采用食用菌专用消毒剂与甲醛,对食用菌的几种杂菌和病菌进行了室内平板熏蒸测定和菇房消毒比较试验。结果表明:专用消毒剂杀菌力比甲醛强,它对常见的食用菌杂菌和病菌具有很强的杀灭作用;使用量少,熏蒸时间短,灭菌效果高;试验使用剂量2g m3,经熏蒸半小时灭菌效果达100%;使用方便,无强烈的刺激异味,成本也比甲醛低。
For measuring the efficiency of the appropriative disinfector of edible fungi, the test of fumigating on plate in the room and the test of disinfecting in the growing room were designed to measure the effect to some mixed epiphytes and viruses. The result shows that the ability of sterilization of appropriative disinfector is stronger than the ability of formaldehyde's. It has a very strong power of killing several common epiphytes and viruses. Its dosage and the fumigating time is very short, its efficiency of sterilization is very high. The dose of appropriative disinfector is 2g/m^3 in the tentative. After half an hour of fumigating, the efficiency of sterilization can reach 100%. The appropriative disinfector is very convenient, and it has no bad smell. It is cheaper than formaldehyde.