目的 :观察胜红丸加减方对DGP患者醋氨酚胃排空的影响。方法 :以抓阄的方式将DGP患者随机分为治疗组 (37例 )及对照组 (39例 )。治疗组服用中药复方胜红丸加减方之煎剂。对照组服用西沙必利 ,同时两组都常规服用小剂量肠溶阿斯匹林等 ,降糖治疗不变。疗程 1周。结果 :治疗组醋氨酚胃排空值显著高于对照组 (P<0 0 0 1) ,胃排空指数明显低于对照组 (P <0 0 1)。治疗组和对照组对主要症状得分的降低率分别为早饱 74 4 %vs 38 2 % ,胃胀 84 2 %vs 4 8 6 % ,恶心 70 9%vs 4 2 9% ,呕吐 96 8%vs 72 6 %。并提示治疗组对餐后血糖的降低有促进作用。结论 :胜红丸加减方能显著促进DGP患者醋氨酚胃排空 ,对DGP的治疗有一定的疗效。
Objective:To research the influence to gastric emptying by Senghongwan,a Chinses herb compound prescription,in acetaminophen test.Method:Randomized diabetic gastroparesis(DGP)patiants into Treatment group and Control group.Treatment group including 37 patiants was treated by using Senghongwan,and Control group 39 patiants was treated by giving Cisapride.Maintaining the same conditions between two groups during the one week observing.Results:Gastric emptying value of Treatment group is improved more than Control group(P<0.001),and index of gastric empting is lower than control group significantly(P<0.01).Symptoms score given acording to severity of main symptoms are lowed in Treatment group and Control group separatly:early satiety are 74.4% vs 38.2%,gastric distension 84.2% vs 48.6%,nausea 70.9% vs 42.9%,vomiting 96.8% vs 72.6%.There is advantage in lowing postponde plasma glucose in treatment group.Conclusion:Senghongwan can accelerate gastric emptying to DGP patients in acetaminophen test and relief or eliminate symptoms in DGP patients.
Liaoning Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine