Objective: To study the status of reproductive health of pre - marital people. Method: The results of pre - marital medical checks of 6438 cases were analyzed, which had received pre - marital healthcare services in the hospital in 2002. Re-sult: Disease rate accounted for 19. 96% , with sexually transmitted diseases 1. 12% , hepatitis B 2. 52% , thalassic anemia 6.975 and colitis 10. 88% among Analyze female subjects. Besides, 1154 people were found to carry hepatitis viruses. Con-clusion: The result shows that transmitted diseases and hereditary diseases are commonly found in pre - marital people. There-fore, it is necessary to prevent and treat such diseases with medical methods and give indispensable marital and fertility in-structions to guarantee the health of the subjects and their children.
Chinese Journal of Family Planning