文章以某港泊稳试验中的复杂现象为线索,证明多系干涉现象是客观存在的。并分析得到角隅辐射和多种边界波流共同作用产生的总反射波系主方向,是码头结构方案异常“现象” 的主要原因。解决了多系干涉系统里码头结构方案的平面比选问题。
Based on the complicated phenomina in the test of berthing stability for a certain port, facts have proved that the phenomina of multisystematic interference are of objective reality. By analysis it is known that the major direction of overall reflecting wave will be formed by the combined action of radiation from angled walls and multiple boundary wave action, and it is also the main cause that 'abnormal phenomina' often happens in the planning of wharf struc ture. As a result, the problem of how to select a favorable plane layout for a wharf structure with multisystematic interference is resolved.
Port & Waterway Engineering