目的 :探讨用三种不同分型方法检测丙型肝炎病毒结果。方法 :分别应用聚合酶链反应 (PCR)产物酶切分型法(酶切法)、型特异引物分型PCR法及血清丙型肝炎病毒 (HCV)型特异性抗体酶联免疫测定法 (EIA)。对120例抗 -HCV阳性患者血清进行HCV分型检测。结果 :酶切法与PCR法均成功地对96例 (80% )进行分型 ,其中Ⅱ型86例 (89 6% ) ,Ⅲ型8例 (8 3% ) ,Ⅱ/Ⅲ型混合感染2例 (2 1% ) ,两种方法的结果完全一致。EIA法检测出型特异性抗体78例 (65% ) ,其中血清1型 (相当于基因Ⅰ、Ⅱ型)68例(87 2% ) ,血清2型 (相当于基因Ⅲ、Ⅳ)6例 (7 7% ) ,血清1、2型双阳性4例 (5 1% )。结论 :EIA法与酶切法和PCR法的符合率达97 0%。
Objective:To study the difference of three different methods in typing hepatitis C virus(HCV).Methods:The sera from 120 anti-HCV-positive patients were detected by three different methods to type HCV,that is ,in method A,polymerase chain reaction(PCR) product of 5'-NC region was cut by restriction endonuclease;in method B,PCR with HCV core region type-specific primers was used;in method C,enzyme immunoassay(EIA)based on HCV genotypeⅠ,Ⅱ(serotype 1) and genotype Ⅲ,Ⅳ(serotype 2)synthetic peptides was used to detect type-specific antibodies.Results:It showed that HCV genotypes were successfully identified in 96 patients(80%) by both method A and method B,with HCV-Ⅱ86(89.6%),HCV-Ⅲ8(8.3%),HCV-Ⅱ/Ⅲmixed infection 2(2.1%).The results of the two methods were completely agreeable.HCV type-specific antibodies were detected in 78 patients(65%) by method C,in which the serotype 1 corresponded to genotype Ⅰ,Ⅱ68(87.2%),the serotype 2 corresponded to genotypeⅢ,Ⅳ6(7.7%).The serotype 1 and serotype 2 were all positive 4(5.1%).Conclusion:The comparative study on the effects detected by three different methods in 66 patients who are all positive shows a remarkable concordance(64/66,97%).This text demonstrates that the results of different HCV-typing methods mentioned above are fairly consistent and reliable.
Journal of Modern Medicine & Health