Objective: To investigate the clinical values, scanning skills and three dimensional reconstruction methods of electron beam computed tomographyEBCT in the diagnosis of arterial disease of lower extremity. Methods: Eighteen patients who were suspected of having arterial disease of lower extremities underwent continuous volume scanning of EBCT and three dimensional reconstruction with maximum intensity projectionMIP, curved planar reformatCPR and volume renderingVR. Results: Twelve of the 18 patients had lower limb atherosclerosis, 5 cases had normal lower limbs arteries, while in 1 case of the normal posterior tibial artery was compressed by a lipoma. One case had traumatic pseudoaneurysm of the left femoral artery. Conclusion: EBCT is a high speed and noninvasive examination for arterial disease of lower limbs with good diagnostic accuracy and application values. The limitation of EBCT is that the spatial resolution of the 3rd 4th grade branches of the lower extremity artery is low, and also the scanning length of the artery is limited.
Journal of China Clinic Medical Imaging