目的 探讨分析1990—1999年东莞市区对病毒性肝炎的流行病学特征,为肝炎防治提供科学依据,制订切实可行的社区护理干预措施。方法 对1990—1999年东莞市病毒性肝炎资料采用SPSS10.0软件统计处理,并进行分析。结果 病毒性肝炎呈现高发病率、低死亡率的特点,从1996年又呈现逐年上升趋势。发病季节以春季发病多、冬季发病少为特征。人群以青壮年发病最多,职业以农民最多。结论 对各类人群进行乙肝疫苗注射,在社区开展病毒性肝炎知识健康教育,做好多渠道的护理干预,是控制和降低病毒性肝炎发病率的关键措施。
Objective With the analysis of the epidemiological features of virus hepatitis onsets from 1990 to 1999, the scientific base can be worked out for the prevention of the disorder, and for the formulation of practical and reliable nursing measures against it at communities. Method SPPSS10.0 has been applied to handle the virus hepatitis cases from 1990 to 1999 with the results analyzed. Results The incidence of the virus hepatitis was on the rise, while the mortality was declining. Since 1996, the incidence has resumed to rise. Spring finds more onsets of the disorder, and winter fewer. The young of the population is more vulnerable, and especially the farmers by profession. Conclusion It is suggested that hepatitis B virus vaccine injection be given to all the population and health education about virus hepatitis be conducted at communities.conclusion: With additional nursing measures through various channels, it's advisable to give the population hepatitis B virus vaccine injection and conduct health education about virus hepatitis, which proves a key to the control of virus hepatitis and the reduction of the incidence.
virus hepatitis
epidemiologic feature
nursing interference at communities$$$$