
合成冰片对沙门氏菌的诱变作用观察 被引量:2

Study for mutagenic of Synthetic borneol
摘要 [目的]观察合成冰片是否有诱发沙门氏菌株发生基因突变的作用。[方法]采用鼠伤寒沙门氏菌营养缺陷型回复突变试验(Ames试验)。[结果]合成冰片在0.4~250μg/皿范围内 ,无论有或无肝脏微粒体酶(S9)活化系统 ,对菌落回变无明显影响 ,且回变菌落背景正常。[结论]合成冰片对鼠伤寒沙门氏菌突变株无致突变作用 。 To observe the mutagenicity effect of Synthetic Borneol. Ames test was used. The number of backward mutant colony of four bacterial strains induced by Synthetic Borneol at the concentration within 0.4~250 μg/plate was quantified. The results did not display a significant increase compared with that induced by dimethylsulfoxide, whether with metabolic activation system (S9_mix) or not. Moreover, the backward mutant colony had normal background. [Conclusion] Synthetic Borneol did not possess evident mutagenicity through our study.
出处 《天津中医药》 CAS 2003年第6期61-63,共3页 Tianjin Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine
基金 国家重点基础研究课题项目 (973)--方剂关键科学问题的基础研究(G1999054403) 天津市科委重大科技攻关项目<一种新来源天然冰片的特殊毒性研究>资助 (编号013613711)
关键词 冰片 沙门氏菌 培养基 剂量 毒理学 synthetic borneol ames test mutagenicity
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