目的 :建立以反相高效液相色谱法测定栀子及其制剂中栀子苷含量的方法。方法 :以KromasilC18 为色谱柱 ,乙腈 -水(10∶90)为流动相 ,检测波长为238nm。结果 :栀子苷的线性范围为0 596μg~2 98μg(r=0 9997)。栀子全果、栀子皮、栀子仁、加味逍遥丸和清开灵注射液中栀子苷含量分别为41 8、12 3、67 3、4 26mg/g和0 316mg/ml,栀子、加味逍遥丸和清开灵注射液的平均回收率与相对标准差分别为99 35 %、0 52 % ;99 51%、0 72 % ;99 57 %、0 73 %。结论 :本法操作简便 ,测定结果准确 ,精密度和稳定性良好 ,可用于栀子及其制剂中栀子苷的含量测定。
OBJECTIVE:To establish a RP-HPLC method for the assay of geniposide in Gardenia jasminoides Ellis and its preparations.METHODS:The determination was carried out with RP-HPLC on Kromasil C 18 column(4.6mm×250mm,5μm)with acetonitrile-water(10∶90)as the mobile phase,and the geniposide was detected at a UV-wavelength of238nm.RESULTS:The linear range of geniposide was0.596μg~2.98μg(r=0.9997).It was found that the contents of geniˉposide in Gardenia jasminoides Ellis,its fruit,peel,seed,Jiaweixiaoyao pill and Qingkailing injection were41.8mg/g,12.3mg/g,67.3mg/g,4.26mg/g and0.316mg/ml,respectively.The average recoveries of geniposide in Gardenia jasminoides Ellis,Jiˉaweixiaoyao pill and Qingkailing injection were99.35%,99.51%and99.57%and the relative standard deviations(RSD)were0.52%,0.72%and0.73%,respectively.CONCLUSION:The method is simple,accurate,sensitive and stable.It can be used for the determination of geniposide in Gardenia jasminoides Ellis and its preparations.
China Pharmacy