
Heterogeneous reactions on the surface of fine particles in the atmosphere 被引量:25

Heterogeneous reactions on the surface of fine particles in the atmosphere
摘要 Fine particles play an important role in the atmosphere. Research on heterogeneous reactions on the surface of fine particles is one of the frontier areas of atmospheric science. In this paper, physical and chemical characteristics of fine particles in the atmosphere and the interactions between trace gases and fine particles are described, methods used in heterogeneous reactions research are discussed in detail, progress in the study of heterogeneous reactions on the surface of fine particles in the atmosphere is summarized, existing important questions are pointed out and future research directions are suggested. Fine particles play an important role in the atmosphere. Research on heterogeneous reactions on the surface of fine particles is one of the frontier areas of atmospheric science. In this paper, physical and chemical characteristics of fine particles in the atmosphere and the interactions between trace gases and fine particles are described, methods used in heterogeneous reactions research are discussed in detail, progress in the study of heterogeneous reactions on the surface of fine particles in the atmosphere is summarized, existing important questions are pointed out and future research directions are suggested.
出处 《Chinese Science Bulletin》 SCIE EI CAS 2003年第21期2267-2276,共10页
基金 supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant No.20077001) the National Outstanding Youth Researching Fund(Grant No.49925513).
关键词 细微颗粒 大气科学 多相反应 空气动力学 environmental quality, nitrogen oxides, ozone, sulfur dioxide, uptake coefficient, surface reaction probability.
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