
Change in the sedimentary environment of Wanquan River Estuary, Hainan Island,China 被引量:9

Change in the sedimentary environment of Wanquan River Estuary, Hainan Island, China
摘要 Pb geochronology and sediment core profiles of organic carbon, total sulfur and organic carbon isotope (d 13C) values were used to reconstruct the local environ-mental history of the Shamei Lagoon, located in the Wan-quan River Estuary, eastern Hainan Island, China. Totalsulfur and d 13C values decreased upwards in the top 30 cm of a sediment core that spanned the last 200 years of deposi-tion. Total sulfur concentration and d 13C values respectively decreased upward from 1.92% to 0.36%, and -20.63?to -23.64? The C/S ratio in the 19th century and earlier was relatively stable in the range of 0.47—0.80, and there was a positive correlation between organic carbon and total sulfur. Since around 1900 AD, the C/S ratio increased rapidly to a maximum of 3.94, but no simple correlation was found be-tween organic carbon and total sulfur during this more re-cent period. These results indicated that before 1800 AD, the lagoon had a fully marine character, and the location of to-day抯 Wanquan River Estuary was an open embayment.From 1800 to 1900, the salinity of Shamei Lagoon decreased noticeably. The amount of seawater which could enter thelagoon decreased gradually as the Yudai spit grew. Today,seawater scarcely affects the lagoon; it is essentially a fresh-water basin. Pb geochronology and sediment core profiles of organic carbon, total sulfur and organic carbon isotope (d 13C) values were used to reconstruct the local environ-mental history of the Shamei Lagoon, located in the Wan-quan River Estuary, eastern Hainan Island, China. Totalsulfur and d 13C values decreased upwards in the top 30 cm of a sediment core that spanned the last 200 years of deposi-tion. Total sulfur concentration and d 13C values respectively decreased upward from 1.92% to 0.36%, and -20.63?to -23.64? The C/S ratio in the 19th century and earlier was relatively stable in the range of 0.47—0.80, and there was a positive correlation between organic carbon and total sulfur. Since around 1900 AD, the C/S ratio increased rapidly to a maximum of 3.94, but no simple correlation was found be-tween organic carbon and total sulfur during this more re-cent period. These results indicated that before 1800 AD, the lagoon had a fully marine character, and the location of to-day抯 Wanquan River Estuary was an open embayment.From 1800 to 1900, the salinity of Shamei Lagoon decreased noticeably. The amount of seawater which could enter thelagoon decreased gradually as the Yudai spit grew. Today,seawater scarcely affects the lagoon; it is essentially a fresh-water basin.
出处 《Chinese Science Bulletin》 SCIE EI CAS 2003年第21期2357-2361,共5页
关键词 海南岛 中国 有机碳 氢化硫 水污染 ^210PB organic carbon, total sulfur, C/S, d 13C, the early 19th century, marine environment, freshwater lagoon. Wanquan River Estuary.
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