将模糊控制技术应用于供水系统 ,设计出了自调整修正因子Fuzzy-PID控制器 ,克服了传统PID控制设计中参数调整困难的问题 ,并通过变频调速实现了恒压控制。该系统取代了高位水塔和直接水泵加压等传统供水模式 。
Fuzzy control theory is applied to the water supply system.The design of fuzzy-PID controller with self-adjusting factoris introduced,whichcan solve the problemofthe parameter adjustmentin the traditional PID control.The water supply with constant pressure is obtained by variable-frequency speed-governing method.The system can replace the traditional watersupplymodeperformedbyaperchwatertowerandwaterpump,whicheffectuatesthedirectwaterpressure.Theapplication has proved to be very effective for saving on energy and control performance is stable.
Electric Drive Automation