对文献 [1]、[2]所提出的异步电机定子磁链定向控制下的电机定子电阻在线自校正方法进行了阐述 ,仿真结果表明 ,即使转子时间常数变化了1~3.1倍 ,定子电阻在线自校正方法的鲁棒性表现良好 ,因而无需对转子时间常数进行观测。
The method presented by the documeuts [1]、[2] of on-line stator resistance self-correction for a stator-flux-oriented induction motor drive is demonstrated,the simulation results showthat a good robustness of this method can be achieved even if the rotor time constant varies in a large ratio range from1to3.1,therefore there is no need of observation of the rotor time constant.
Electric Drive Automation