通过对福建省 7个不同产地麻竹生长初期的叶绿素含量及叶片净光合速率 (Pn)、气孔导度 (Cs)、胞间 CO2 浓度 (Ci)、气孔阻力 (Rs)及气孔导量 (COND)等 6个性状的研究 ,结果表明 :叶绿素含量为 1 a<2 a,不同产地变化趋势为南带 >中带 >北带 ;晴天条件下 ,不同产地麻竹净光合速率日变化呈现双峰曲线 ,“午休”现象明显 ,南带产地南靖、北带产地飞鸾表现较好。细胞间 CO2 浓度与麻竹光合作用关系最为密切 ,相关系数为 - 0 .932 2 ;不同产地的净光合速率与光合性状之间存在着相互促进和相互制约的关系 ,它们直接或间接影响到竹林的生长。
Seven Dendrocalamus latiflorus in different main areas in Fujian were used to investigate the difference of chlorophyll content, net photosynthetic rate (Pn), stomatal conductance (Cs), intercellular CO 2 concentration (Ci), stomatal resistance (Rs) and stomatal conductance (COND) in the early of growth The result showed that chlorophyll content was one year <two years, the difference of main areas was southern areas>middle areas>northern areas. The net photosynthetic speed reaches peaks at 10:00 and 14:00 respectively in a day, the phenomenon 'sleeping' is marked Nanjing in southern areas and Feiluan in northern areas grew better than other areas. There is a great effect between photosynthetic speed and intercellular CO 2 concentration (R=0.9322). There are favorable and restricted action of each other between the net photosynthetic rate and photosynthetic characters, those characters impacted bamboo growth directly and indirectly.
Journal of Bamboo Research