该文介绍了竹单板的锯制工艺技术、以及锯制竹单板的设备——小型精密框锯机的基本结构、传动系统等 ,比较了锯制工艺加工方法与其他加工方法的优缺点后 ,认为以复合竹集成材为基材 ,应用精密框锯机锯制技术生产竹单板是一种比较理想的工艺方法 ,它既简化了工艺程序、提高了单板质量 ,又降低了原料消耗、提高了竹材工业化加工的利用率。
This paper introduces the technology of sawing bamboo veneer and the mini-nice frame saw as the machine to saw the bamboo veneer. The technology of sawing bamboo veneer with the mini frame saw form the laminated block with bamboo strips is one of feasible ways, after comparing it with the slicing and peeling veneer. The technology of sawing bamboo veneer could simplify the processing of the bamboo veneers, and increase the quality of veneer and the utilizable rate of the bamboo industrial utility.
Journal of Bamboo Research