体育教学资源是学校进行健康教育、完成体育教学任务的物质基础只有科学配备体育教学资源才能充分发挥体育教学的教育功能 ,促进教学改革 ,提高教学质量 .文章通过对山西省1 2所本科院校体育教学资源的调查 ,发现体育基础设施建设投资明显加大 ,体育维持费使用与管理合理 ,但维持费的投入不足 ;体育师资业务素质较高 ,但缺额较大 ;室外体育活动场地能满足要求 ,但室内活动场地短缺 ;体育器材与图书资料较齐全 ,但仍需加强建设 .由此提出 4点对策 ;1 .进一步转变思想 ,继续加大体育经费投入 ;2 .保持优势 ,改善现有硬件环境 ;3.调动全体师生的积极性 ,提高体育工作效率 ;4.建立良好的投资环境 ,利用多层次、多渠道发展高校体育教育事业 .
The teaching resources of physical education provide the material basic for the performance of the health education and the completion of the physical education tasks.Only by the rational provision of the teaching resources can we fully develop the education function of the physical education,promote the teaching reform and improve the teaching quality.An investigation of the teaching resources of physical education in twelve colleges and universities in Shanxi indicates that:the present investment in P.E. is rising,maintaining its proper functioning is inadequate,but the use and management of available funds are reasonable;teachers of physical education are qualified,yet staff shortage still exists;while there is enough space for outdoor activities,the space for indoor activities is limited;the facilities and reading materials on physical education are complete,but still need to be renewed.Therefore in order to improve physical education level,four strategies are proposed here:1.change the mind,and increase the investment in physical education; 2.Maintain the advantages,and improve the present equipment; 3. Bring the enthusiasm of all the teachers and students into full play,and raise working efficiency; 4.Establish a good environment for investment,and develop the course of physical education at different levels and through multi channels.
Journal of Taiyuan Normal University:Natural Science Edition