髋臼骨关节面生物形态特征的研究将有助于通过建立更为精确的髋臼三维模型来分析髋关节的生物力学性能 ,具有重要的临床意义。但在以往的研究中 ,髋臼骨关节面大多被简单认定为一球面。本研究通过三维激光扫描获取髋臼的三维形态数据 -点云数据 ,运用反球工程技术结合优化拟合算法 ,分别用球面和旋转椭球面逐步逼近原始的髋臼骨关节面 ,获得最佳的髋臼骨关节面匹配模型 ,分析比较此二项匹配模型间的匹配误差。对 15例髋骨的统计测量结果表明 ,旋转椭球面的匹配误差显著小于球面的匹配误差 ,其中拟合球半径平均值为 2 4 .37±2 .2 2 mm,拟合旋转椭球面长轴 (髋臼左右方向 )平均值为 2 6 .0 2± 2 .76 mm,短轴 (髋臼前后方向 )平均值为 2 4 .17± 2 .16 mm。该项研究首次对髋臼骨关节面形态作了定量的分析 ,有助于我们对髋臼骨形态的重新认识 。
The research on the morphology features of the acetabulum bone joint surface area would be helpful to establishing the acetabulum 3D model for the purpose of the biomechanical analysis of hip joint, and therefore might have its important clinical significance. However, in former studies, the acetabulum was simply considered as a semi sphere. In this study, based on the acetabulum 3D point data acquired by the 3D laser surface scanner and the reverse engineering technology together with the optimal fit algorithm, two kinds of best fit model were achieved by a sphere surface and a rotating elliptical surface respectively approaching to the acetabulum bone joint surface. Both fitting errors were then compared and analyzed. The results showed that the fitting error of the rotating elliptical surface was significantly less than that of the sphere surface ( P <0.001). The average radius of fitting sphere was 24.37±2.22 mm and the average long axis of fitting rotating elliptical surface was 26.02±2.76 mm while its short axis was 24.17±2.16 mm. These findings would be helpful to our new recognization of the acetabulum since they were results of the first quantitative analyses for the acetabulum bone surface and also might serve as an important reference base in its further studies and application.
Journal of Biomedical Engineering
Acetabulum Morphologic features Reverse engineering Optimal technology