On experiment, we choose 16 pure Sha ZiLing piglets, divided in two groups at random, raised with forage in different level of energy and protein, to study the influence of different nutrition level on fatten capacity and meat quality of Sha ZiLing pig. The result shows. Low Level and high level groups daily adding weight are 411.38 g, 445.75 g, no obvious difference (P>0.05); Rewards of forage are 4.82∶1, 4.48∶1; Cost of each kg are 6.60, 6.54 Yuan; Rates of lean meat are 44.59%, 40.82%, no obvious difference (P>0.05). Comparing with chinese other local breeds, Sha ZiLing pig has the characteristics of rapid growing, high dressing percentage, large eye muscle, thin back fat, high lean meat percentage etc.\;
Ecology of Domestic Animal