改善短跑运动员的身体专项能力 ,促进运动技术水平的提高 ,是运动员和教练员所关心的 .对短跑运动员的敏捷性、肌力和速度耐力 3个方面进行了详细分析 ,为短跑运动员专项能力和身体素质的提高 ,提供了科学的、系统的训练方法和手段 .
The dash-runners and coaches have a concern of impoving the special ability of dash-runners and promoting the level of athletic skills. It makes an exhaustive analysis about three physical characters the nimbleness,the strength of muscle and the patience of speed. .It provides scientific and systmatic training ways and methods for improving the special ability and physical quality of dash-runners.
Journal of Science of Teachers'College and University