
肿瘤性贫血血清Epo与Hb浓度相关性研究 被引量:2

Study on the relationship between serum Epo and Hb level in anemia children due to tumor
摘要 目的 :了解肿瘤患儿血清促红细胞生成素 ( Epo)水平的变化。方法 :用放射免疫分析法测定 38例急性白血病 ( AL)、1 9例恶性实体瘤患儿及 1 5例健康儿童血清 Epo水平。结果 :1急性淋巴细胞白血病 ( ALL)初治组 39.79± 1 6.2 2 m IU/m L;急性髓性白血病 ( AML)初治组 33.96± 8.1 3m IU/m L,恶性实体瘤组 35 .0 6± 1 8.68m IU/m L;对照组 1 2 .2 3± 3.1 1 m IU/m L。 Epo在 ALL、AML初治组及恶性实体瘤组的水平显著高于正常对照组 ( P<0 .0 5 ) ;2 ALL缓解组 2 1 .63±1 3.2 7m IU/m L,AML缓解组 2 5 .2 2± 5 .46m IU/m L,ALL与 AML缓解组 Epo水平仍高于正常对照组 ( P<0 .0 5 ) ,但均低于初治组 ( P<0 .0 5 ) ;3血清 Epo水平与 Hb呈明显负相关关系 ( P<0 .0 5 )。结论 :肿瘤患儿贫血的产生并非完全由于 Epo水平降低而引起 ,早期红系造血的缺陷是产生贫血的主要原因。 Objective: To investigate the level change of Epo in anemia children due to tumor.Methods:The level of Epos were checked by means of radio immunoassay in 38 cases of acute leukemia, 19 cases of deadly solid tumor and 15 cases of healthy children.Results: ①The level of Epo in ALL early treatment group was 39.79±16.22 mlU/ml, in AML treatment group was 33.96±8.13mlU/ml, in deadly solid tumor as 35.06±18.68mlU/ml, and in normal control group was 12.23±3.11mlU/ml. Tle level of Epo in ALL,AML early treatment group and deadly solid tumor group were markedly higher than that in normal control group( P <0.05).②The level of Epo in ALL relief group was 21.63±13.27mlU/ml, in AML relief group was 25.22±5.46mlU/ml. The level of Epo in ALL and AML relief group were higher than that in control group, while lower than that in early treatment group( P <0.05). ③There was negative relevance between the level of Epo and Hb( P <0.05). Conclusion:The occurrence of anemia in children with tumor is not completely due to the level of Epo decreasing, while the main reason is existed in hemopoiesis deficiency.
作者 陆勤 方拥早
出处 《浙江中西医结合杂志》 2003年第12期736-737,共2页 Zhejiang Journal of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine
关键词 肿瘤性贫血 血清 相关性 血红蛋白 促红细胞生成素 儿童 发病机制 白血病 children, anemia, acute leukemia, solid tumor, lymphocyte leukemia, Epo, Hb
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