经过长期的实验摸索研究 ,在拉伸法杨氏模量测定仪上用百分表取代望远镜光杠杆系统 ,测量钢丝长度的微小变化 ,从而更简捷地测算出钢丝的杨氏模量 .此方法简单、易行、省时 ,测量精度有所提高 .通过这一改进拓宽了学生学习思路 ,降低了实验难度 。
After long-time research and experiment, a ?100?mm scale dial indicator is used instead of the telescope light level system in Young's Modulus of elastics apparatus to measure the imperceptible elongate of metal wire. By this means, the Young's Modulus of elastics of metal wire is derived and determined. The method is simple and easy to operate, and also the veracity is improved. The improvement on the measurement apparatus broadens the vision of the students, lowers the degree of the experiment and makes the students familiar with the dial indicator, which is often used in the experiment and production practice.
Journal of Kunming University of Science and Technology(Natural Science Edition)