
伤口液对电离辐射复合创伤大鼠成纤维细胞迁移和增殖作用的影响 被引量:1

Effects of wound fluid on fibroblast proliferation and migration in rats with ionization radiation compound wound
摘要 目的:观察伤口液刺激成纤维细胞(FB)活性的变化,探讨电离辐射复合创伤的伤口修复启动受抑的机制。方法:大鼠随机数字表法分为单创组、电离辐射复合创伤组,分别于伤后3,6,12,24,48h取伤口液,观察伤口液刺激培养的FB增殖、诱导FB迁移及促进培养FB划痕伤口闭合的活性变化。结果:伤口液刺激FB增殖和诱导FB迁移的活性在伤后3~48h逐渐升高,但24h以前复合伤组伤口液的这些作用强于单创组,伤后48h明显低于单创组,促进培养融合的FB伤口闭合的作用也显著低于单创组。结论:生长因子过高、过低均不利于激活伤口周围静止的成纤维细胞。电离辐射复合创伤伤口愈合起始阶段就存在着生长因子分泌紊乱,从而对修复的启动和发展不利,最终影响伤口修复。 AIM:To observe the change of wound fluid on fibroblast(FB) activity, and to explore the mechanism of the inhibited initiation of wound healing after ionization radiation compound wound.METHODS:Rats were randomly divided into single wound group (SW) and ionization radiation compound wound group(IRC). Wound fluid were collected 3,6,12, 24 and 48 hours after wounding . The proliferation of activities of wound fluid stimulating cultured FB, and migration and enhancement of inducing FB to wound closure of confluent FB were observed. RESULTS:All of the above activities of wound fluid increased gradually both in SW and IRC groups 3- 48 hours after wound, but it was higher in IRC than that of SW in 3- 24 hours, and it was lower in IRC than that of in SW at 48 hours after injury. The effect of wound closure of accelerative culture confluence FB was lower than that of SW obviously.
出处 《中国临床康复》 CSCD 2003年第29期3944-3946,共3页 Chinese Journal of Clinical Rehabilitation
基金 国家重点基础研究973项目(G1999054205)~~
关键词 伤口液 电离辐射 创伤 大鼠 成纤维细胞 细胞增殖 FB 放射损伤 Both the higher and lower of the above activities of wound fluid in IRC are not benefit for activating the quiet FB surrounding wound. There are secretion disturbance of growth factor in the initiation period so it is disadvantage for developin
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