图书馆的核心能力 ,是建立在图书馆核心资源基础上的一种竞争能力。图书馆的知识管理就是对图书馆的核心资源进行有效整合并将其转化为提高图书馆核心能力的过程。文章通过对两者的分析 。
The libr arys core competence is a competence es tablished on the basis of librarys core resources.The librarys knowledge manag ement is the course that makes the effec tive arrangement and merger librarys co re resources and makes use of them to im prove the librarys core competence.By a nalysing the two aspects,the author prop oses the idea of strongle creating the l ibrarys core competence while enforcing the knowledge management.
Journal of Modern Information