安然事件”之后 ,众多著名的大型跨国企业相继陷入了假帐、披露虚假信息的丑闻之中 ,公司信誉危机的突现 ,引起了广泛的讨论 ,尤其是对公司治理结构和公司监管制度提出了各种改革的意见。本文则是从微观企业的角度出发 ,在理论层面上对信誉的战略价值和经济价值进行分析 。
After the“Anran crisis”,a great number of macro-international corporations have been involve d with the scandals of fake account and the recovering of the incredible informa tion,the abruption of company credit crisis have arose widely discussion,especia lly in the company management structure and the company super vision system,many reformational suggestion have been risen.this paper is in the light of the micr o-company to analysis the strategic value of the credit on the theoretical leve l,and to make clear that the credit-management can bring protr acted competing advantages to the cooperation.
Journal of Modern Information