云南木蠹象是我国西南地区新发现的云南松的一种重要蛀干害虫。云南木蠹象蛹室在被害云南松树木上的分布规律,反映了该虫幼虫和蛹在树木上的危害与分布。研究表明,云南木蠹象蛹室主要分布在云南松树木主干的中上部,其蛹室数量占主干蛹室量的76 99%;同时,云南木蠹象蛹室集中于树木主干,主干上的蛹室数占全树蛹室数的70 26%。云南木蠹象蛹室在轮枝上的分布多集中在中上部轮枝,即第1~3轮轮枝。在这些轮枝上的蛹室数目是所有轮枝蛹室数目的87 69%。从生长年龄而言,蛹室主要分布在1~2年生的主干和侧枝上。
Pissodes yunnanensis was a species of insect pest newly discovered on Yunnan pine (Pinus yunnanensis) in southwest of China. The larvae attacked and pupated on trunks and lateral branches of Yunnan pine.This paper discussed the distribution of P.yunnanensis pupal cells on Yunnan pine in Lijiang, northwestern Yunnan. The pupal cells distributed in the middle and upper parts of the trunks, accounting for 76.99 % of the total cells on the trunks. Rate of pupal cells on the trunks were about 70.27 % of total cells in the infested trees , appearing to be more than that on lateral branches. On the whorls, pupal cells mainly distributed in the middle and upper parts of lateral branches, accounting for 87.69 % of the total cells on lateral branches. Regarding the trunks and lateral branches growth, pupal cells mainly distributed in 1 or 2 years growth. The results on pupal cells distribution within trees provided a basic information necessary to develop efficient tactics in the weevil control.
Forest Research