本文认为 ,广义劳动价值论的基本观点和分析方法是我国现阶段社会主义社会的理论基础。深化劳动价值论的认识的一个重点是加强对生产价格规律的现实应用的研究 ,坚持和利用这一规律有利于调动一切积极因素来促进我国社会经济发展。“要素价值论”具有资本拜物教性质 ,它是市场经济条件下内容和形式颠倒关系的反映。
Max's value theory of labor can be differentiated into two meanings,labor value theory in the narrow sense and in the rboad sense.Research on the latter has practical significance in current market economy of China.Its focal point is to apply the category,prices of production ,into reality.Therefore,it is necessary to bring the law of prices of production into full play to allocate social distribution and to promote social produce.
Northern Economy and Trade