
电磁场数值计算的无网格算法 被引量:1

The Meshless Method Applied to Numerical Computations of Electromagnetic Fields
摘要 本文将无网格算法推广应用于电磁场的数值计算。详细论述了移动最小二乘近似的基本原理和具体实施过程 ;采用拉格朗日乘子法处理第一类边界条件 ,应用跳跃函数法解决不同媒质交界面处解函数导数不连续等问题 ,从而基于修正的弱形式泛函的建立 ,导出了算法的离散数学模型。为验证所述的算法 。 A meshless method using the moving least squares approximation is improved and applied to the numerical computation of electromagnetic fields. The details about the moving least square approximations technique and its numerical implementation are demonstrated. The discrete equation set of the proposed method is due developed by means of the modified weak form functional in which the Lagrange Multiplier Method and jump function approach are used, respectively, to enforce the essential boundary conditions and to deal with the interface conditions of different materials. Numerical results on solving the end field of power transformers are reported to validate the proposed method.
机构地区 浙江大学
出处 《大电机技术》 北大核心 2003年第6期9-12,共4页 Large Electric Machine and Hydraulic Turbine
关键词 电磁场 数值计算 无网格算法 跳跃函数法 拉格朗日乘子法 meshless method moving least squares approximation Lagrange Multiplier Method numerical computation
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