研究新鲜和冻存脐血中血小板 (PLT)、血小板微粒 (PMPs)含量的变化 ,以及它们对脐血CD3 4+ 造血干 祖细胞粘附分子表达的影响。测定冷冻前后 ,脐血中PLT、PMPs的含量 ,以及脐血CD3 4+ 细胞与PMPs孵育后粘附分子 (CD41 a ,CD61 ,CD62P)的变化。结果 ,冻存脐血中PLT含量减少、PMPs含量增加 ;新鲜PMPs上调CD3 4+ 细胞粘附分子表达的作用比冻存PMPs强 ;脐血PLT经过深低温冷冻后仍然能被激发产生PMPs ,并能上调CD3 4+ 细胞粘附分子表达。结果显示 :我们可以用冻存的PLT来获得PMPs ,以提高干细胞粘附分子表达。
Objective: To study the changes of platelet(plt) and platelet-derived microparticles(PMPs) between fresh and freezing cord blood(CB), and the effect s on cord blood hematopoietic stem/progeninotor cells. Method: The concentration of plt, PMPs in fresh and freezing cord blood are measured. CB CD 34 + ce lls were incubated with PMPs, the expression of adhension (CD 41 a, CD 61 , CD 62P ,) on CB CD34+ cells were evaluated using flow cytometry. Resul ts: The amount of plt in cord blood decreased after cryopreservation but PMPs in creased. Fresh PMPs improve the expression of adhension molecules on CB CD 34 + cells more than cryopreserved PMPs. After cryopreservation, plt can still release induced PMPs, which increase expression of adhension molecules. Conclu sion: Cryopreserved PLT can be used to produce PMPs, which increase the expressi on of adhension molecules of CB hematopoietic stem/progeninotor cells.
China Child Blood
广东省科委基金 (№B3 0 2 0 2 )
广东省卫生厅基金 (№ 2 0 0 2 10 5)