自 2 0世纪 90年代初我国实施市场多元化战略以来 ,中国同西亚、非洲的经济合作出现明显发展的趋势 ,其主要特征是双边贸易快速发展 ,承包劳务业绩喜人 ,对外援助投资均有新进展。目前 ,一个全方位、多层次、宽领域的经贸合作格局正在形成。进入新世纪 ,随着经济全球化进一步发展 ,我国实施“走出去”战略 ,在政府的鼓励和支持下 ,中国企业特别是大型企业 ,纷纷走出国门 ,寻求合作 ,一股大力开拓西亚、非洲市场的热潮正在兴起。在新形势下 ,中国同西亚、非洲的经贸合作将会出现一个崭新局面。
Since the early 1990s when China began to carry out the market diversification strategy, Sino-West Asian and African economic cooperation has seen an obvious trend of development. Bilateral trade develops rapidly, labor service contract achieves satisfactory results, and both external aid and investment make new progresses. A new comprehensive, multi-leveled and broad framework of economic cooperation is coming into being. In the new century, with the further development of economic globalization and the execution of China's “Going Abroad' strategy, Chinese enterprises, especially those of the state-owned, encouraged and supported by the government, go abroad and seek for cooperation one after another. A great upsurge of opening up West Asian and African markets is emerging. Under the new circumstances, Sino-West Asian and African economic cooperation will definitely take on a new aspect.
West Asia and Africa