1Williamson - Mahar 给 Wren - Lewis and Driver (1998)所做附录中的表A.11.
2Bergsten, C. Fred, and John Williamson, ecls. 2003.
3Goldstein, Morris, and Nicholas Lardy. 2003.
4Kuroda, Haruhiko. 2003.
5Wren - Lewis, Simon, and Rebecca L. Driver. 1998. 2000年.
6Bergsten, C. Fred, and John Williamson, eds. (2003): " Dollar Overvaluation and the World Economy"(Washington: Institute for International Economics. )
7Goldstein, Morris, and Nicholas Lardy (2003): "Two -Stage Currency Reform for China" . Asian Wall Street Journal, 12 September.
8Kuroda, Haruhiko (2003): "How to Help the Renimnbi Find its own Level" . Financial Times, 17 October.
9Williamson, John (2003): Is There a Problem of Inconsistent World Payments Objectives? Draft paper prepared for a forthcoming conference of the Institute for International Economics.
10Wren -Lewis, Simon, and Rebecca L. Driver (1998): "Real Exchange Rates for the Year 2000" . (Washington:Institute for International Economics. )