在战后韩日关系史上 ,韩日邦交正常化是最重要的事件之一。朴正熙是韩日实现邦交的最关键人物。韩日建交使两国关系进入了正常发展的轨道 ,韩国的经济腾飞直接受益于此。然而 ,韩日关系的发展过程中也始终夹杂着诸多不和谐的音符。这一方面是由于战前日本对韩国的殖民统治造成的 ;另一方面 ,韩日邦交正常化过程中韩日两国政府在历史问题上的错误处理为后来的韩日关系布下了阴霾。而在这一点上 ,朴正熙又恰恰难辞其咎。本文试对韩日邦交正常化过程中朴正熙的作为及其影响作出客观的分析和评价 ,以有助于我们对战后韩日关系的理解。
PZX was the most important person to realize Korea-Japan diplomatic relations, which led the dual relations into the normal orbit of development. Nevertheless, there had always existed abnormal phenomena in the development of Korea-Japan diplomatic relations. The reasons were as following: on the one hand, this was due to the pre-war colonial ruling of Japan over Korea; on the other hand, in the process of Korea-Japan diplomatic normalization, both governments' improper dealing with the history problems laid hidden trouble for the later Korea-Japan relations. It was just on this point that PZX was responsible for. The article tries to analyze and review PZX's activities and its influence in the cause of Korea-Japan diplomatic normalization, in order to further understand the post-war Korea-Japan relations. It also helps for understanding the Korea-Japan diplomatic normalization at present.
World History