
一种机载SAR实时成像信号处理系统的设计 被引量:1

Design of a Real-Time Signal Processing System for Airborne SAR Imaging
摘要 提出了一种基于VME总线的机载SAR实时成像信号处理系统的设计方案。方案充分考虑了SAR实时成像所需的数据处理能力和传输带宽 ,在硬件设计上采用了由多片DSP组成的紧耦合分布式并行处理结构 ,有效地解决了大量数据传输带来的数据瓶颈问题。同时结合具体的成像算法 ,给出了详细的软件设计流程。 This paper presents the design scheme of a real-time signal processing system for airborne SAR imaging, which is based on VME bus. Considering fully the data processing capability and data transfer bandwidth necessary for real-time SAR imaging, a tight-coupled and distributed parallel processing structure composed of multi-DSP is adopted in the hardware design, which efficiently solves the data bottle-neck problem arising from large data transfer. Combined with a specific imaging algorithms, detailed software design flow is also given.
出处 《雷达科学与技术》 2003年第3期165-169,共5页 Radar Science and Technology
关键词 VME总线 机载SAR 合成孔径雷达 实时成像 DSP 并行处理 SAR real-time imaging parallel processing
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  • 1费君,胡学成,雷万明.高分辨率SAR实时信号处理[J].现代雷达,2004,26(11):42-43. 被引量:6
  • 2吕守业,龙腾.机载合成孔径雷达实时成像处理系统研究[J].北京理工大学学报,2005,25(2):155-158. 被引量:7
  • 3熊君君,王贞松,姚建平,石长振.星载SAR实时成像处理器的FPGA实现[J].电子学报,2005,33(6):1070-1072. 被引量:19
  • 4GIANCASPRO A,CANDELA L,LOPINTO E,et al.COSMO-SkyMed SAR processing parallel implementation[A].International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium[C].2002,6.3165 -3166.
  • 5GOLLER A.Parallel Processing Strategies for Large SAR Image Data Sets In a Distributed Environment[J].Computing,1999,64(4):277 -291.
  • 6WU C,LIU KY,JIN M.Modeling and a Correlation Algorithm for Spaeeborne SAR Signal[J].IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems,1982,18 (5):563 -574.
  • 7MILLER C,PAYNE DG,PHUNG TN.Parallel Processing of Spaceborne Imaging Radar Data[A].Proceedings of ACM/IEEE conference on Supercomputing[C].1995.
  • 8HOLM S,MAOY A.Synthetic Aperture Radar Processing Facility Based on a Parallel Supercomputer[A].International Conference on Acoustics,Speech,and Signal Processing[C].1989.
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  • 10INGGS MR,BENNETT TG.Parallel SAR Processor Using PVM on a Beowulf Cluster[A].International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium[C].2001,4.1850-1852.










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