
植物特征与某滑坡坝形成时间和稳定性关系 被引量:5

Relation between the Character of the Plant Growth and the Formation Time and Stability of a Landslide Dam
摘要 植物生长受其生长环境的影响,一定的生长情况,反映了其生活环境。在环境、生物、地质等学科,通过对植物种属、生长形态等分析,可以表明其生活环境的某些特征。在地质上,马刀树的存在是滑坡存在一个典型证据,生存时间较长的树,是其生活地区的活化石,对其进行分析,可以论证地质体的稳定性,在自然风景区和国家保护区,这种方法是非常具有应用价值的。本文通过对某一保护区的滑坡坝顶部生长的树木分析,确定其形成时间,这同其它调查结果是一致的。计算分析表明滑坡坝在形成后处于稳定状态,它同植物生长特征符合。表明这种分析方法是一种简易实用的方法,对其它工程也有借鉴意义。 Plant's growth is effected by geological environment.The character of plant reflect the environment by analysis the kind of plant,morphological character in environics,biology,geology and so on. We know the conditions of live of plant, in geology, Sabre tree is a typical prove of slope existence .The long time tree is a living fossil, it has a high value by research the tree of existing long time in beauty spot and protected area. The paper studies the plant growing on top of the landslide, determine the form time of landslide dam.It is matching the result of by the other way the research . The calculated result reflect that the landslide dam is stability since it birth,it is matching the character of plant. This study method is very simple and utility, and other project can draw lessons from it.
出处 《山地学报》 CSCD 2003年第6期736-738,共3页 Mountain Research
关键词 植物生长特征 滑坡坝 稳定性 the character of plant's growth landslide dam stability
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