通过对洞庭湖湿地草 (PhalarisarundinaceaL)资源的调查 ,该地草资源丰富、分布广泛、蕴藏量大 ;同时对草进行了品质分析和鲜草饲喂试验 ,其结果表明 ,该资源营养丰富 ,鲜草饲喂黄牛、奶牛及羊喜食或食用 。
By investigations for Phalaris arundinaces L ,growing in the damp soil of Dongting Lake,that Phalaris arundinaces L .resources were rich,distribution was widely,area was greatly and containing amount was greatly.At the same time quality analysis and feeding trial experiment with fresh grass showed that this resources was nourished richly,and the fresh grass can feed the cattle,milk cow and sheep occasion for celebration edible,which offered important information to the integrated exploitation of Phalaris arundinacea L .pasture resources.
Journal of Hunan University of Arts and Science(Science and Technology)