体细胞无性系变异是继花粉和花药培养之后的又一种实用化的细胞工程育种新方法 .体细胞无性系变异是植物组织培养过程中出现的普遍现象 ,并且绝大多数变异可以遗传 ,在再生植株中能够找到在常规诱变育种和杂交育种中所观察到的各种变异或重组类型 .80年代以来 ,我国在作物无性系变异育种方面取得了令人鼓舞的进展 ,已培育出了一大批优良新品种 .本文着重阐述了植物体细胞无性系变异育种的概念和特点 ,引起无性系变异的遗传基础 ,无性系变异突变体的筛选和鉴定方法 ,并对目前体在植物体细胞无性系变异育种中存在的主要问题进行了讨论 .
Somaclonal variation breeding was a new applicable method of cell engineering under breeding after pollen and anther culture . Somaclonal variation was a universal phenomenon under tissue culture in plant , many variations were heritable . Variations (or recombinations ) which was observed under normal induced matation and cross-breeding have been discovered in regenerate-plants . Since 1980s , a lot of encouraging research development have been obtained about somaclonal variation breeding , and a lot of new crops have been cultured in China.The conception and charaterics of somaclonal variation breeding , and its genetic bases as well as methods of selection and genetic appraisal,were discussed.
Journal of Hunan University of Arts and Science(Science and Technology)