
从霍布斯到沃尔兹——结构现实主义思想的古典与当今形态 被引量:12

From Thomas Hobbes to Kenneth Waltz: Classical and Contemporary Forms of Structural Realism
摘要 自 16世纪以来 ,现实主义思想的发展呈现为两大脉流 ,一脉就是以人性本恶为首要前提的“人性现实主义” ,另一脉则是以国际无政府状态为立论基点的“结构现实主义”。在历史上 ,“结构现实主义”传统的开创者是英国大思想家霍布斯。霍布斯以“自然状态论”作为其国际关系哲学的立论基石 ,并由此推导出有关国际关系本质的核心论述 ,即国际无政府状态决定并导致了普遍与绝对的国际冲突。尽管霍布斯仅仅是附带谈及对国际关系的理论看法 ,但霍布斯国际关系哲学的核心要素 (即国际无政府状态及其所导致的国际权势斗争 )对西方现实主义思想的发展却产生了重要影响 ,在后世形成了独具特色的“结构现实主义”传统。总的来看 ,近代以来“结构现实主义”思想最为典型的特征 ,在于将国际无政府状态 (尤其是缺乏任何共同规范的无政府状态 )置于其理论体系的核心地位 ,而正是这一点从根本上决定了“结构现实主义”传统特有的思想内涵、价值倾向及内在缺陷。 Since the 16 th century, there have been two theoretical traditions in the development of Realism: one is Fundamental Realism based on Fallen Human Nature; the other is Structural Realism founded on International Anarchy. The founding father of Structural Realism is Thomas Hobbes. The theoretical foundation of Hobbesian international philosophy is the State of Nature, and from which Hobbes deduced the central thesis of his doctrine. Although Hobbes only talked about international relations in his works collaterally, his central thesis has had great impacts on the intellectual development of Realism, and thereby forming the tradition of Structural Realism. Generally speaking, the most typical characteristic of various forms of Structural Realism is that, all of them are premised on International Anarchy, especially on the Hobbesian anarchy , and this determines not only the theoretical connotations and normative orientation, but also inner drawbacks of Structural Realism.
作者 吴征宇
出处 《欧洲研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2003年第6期73-84,共12页 Chinese Journal of European Studies
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  • 1Charles Beitz,Political Theory and International Relations, Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1999, p. 36.
  • 2Michael Doyle, Ways of War and Peace, New York: W. W. Norton & Company, Inc. ,1997, p. 112.
  • 3Torbjom Knutsen, A History of International Relations Theory, Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1992, p. 86.
  • 4Cornelia Navari, "Hobbes, the State of Nature and the Laws of Nature", in Ian Clark and Iver Neumann eds. , Classical Theories of International Relations, New York: St. Martin's Press,1996, p. 25.
  • 5Hedley Bull," Hobbes and the International Anarchy", in Kai Alderson and Andrew Hurrell eds., Hedley Bull on International Society, New York: St. Martin's Press, 2000, p. 192.
  • 6David Boucher, Political Theories of International Relations, New York: Oxford University Press, 1998, p. 147.
  • 7Michael Doyle, Ways of War and Peace, New York : W. W. Norton & Company, Inc. ,1997, p. 117.
  • 8Hedley Bull, The Anarchical Society, New York: Columbia University Press, 1995, p. 44.
  • 9卢梭 何兆武.《社会契约论》[M].商务印书馆,2001年版.第23页.
  • 10Kenneth Waltz, Man, the State and War, New York: Columbia University Press, 1959,p. 169.












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