目的 :总结颌骨动静脉畸形的诊断、治疗的经验。方法 :7例颌骨动静脉畸形病例先行CT或MRI检查 ,了解颌骨破坏情况 ,7例均行栓塞治疗 ,栓塞材料为PVA颗粒 (2 5 0~ 5 0 0um ) ,栓塞后一周内进行手术 ,切除颌骨病变组织。结果 :7例经PVA栓塞 ,异常血管团块消失、搏动、杂音消失、软组织肿胀得到改善。口内渗血及动脉出血得到控制。手术后随访 ,无 1例复发。结论 :血管造影栓塞后行手术切除病变组织是治疗颌骨动静脉畸形有效而可靠的治疗方法。
Objective:To report the experience of the diagnosis and treatment for arteriovenous malformation (AVM) of jaws.Method:CT scan or MRI were given to evaluate extent of AVM of jaws. 7 cases of AVM were embolized with PVA (250~500). The procedure was under the guidance of DSA machine (HITACH DFA-100).The incision of intraosseous erosion was carried out within 7 days.Result:Seven patients were embolized.Immediate angiographical results showed total disappearance of AUMs in all patients. Sewlling, plusation , and bruit were disappeared after embolization. Pericoronal oozing of blood and arterial bleeding was controllable.The recurrent patient was not fount by the follow-up.Conclusion:The effective and reliable pattern of treatment to AVM of jaws were embolization under the guidance of DSA and the incision of intraosseous erosion of jaws.
Journal of Clinical Stomatology