“二战”以后 ,世界高等教育经历了数量增长、整体协调发展和追求可持续发展三种发展模式。高等教育发展是由多种因素形成的“结构”动力所推动 ,由于多种“力”的强弱结构不同 ,决定了各国高等教育不同的发展模式和道路。当前 ,须通过改革 ,建立有效的运行机制和制度规范 ,把高等教育的“潜在需求”
Since World War II, worldwide higher education has experienced three modes of development that have been quantitative, overall-coordinated, and sustainable respectively. The force driving the development of higher education has been affected by various factors and of different intensity, resulting in a variety of development modes in different countries. Today a reform is necessary to institutionalize effective mechanisms and systems so that “potential needs” may be turned into a direct driving force in the development of higher education.
Education and Modernization