
盐生植物根冠区土壤盐分变化的初步研究 被引量:42

A preliminary study on salt contents of soil in root-canopy area of halophytes
摘要 对植物根冠区土壤盐分和盐分组成的变化规律的研究表明 ,盐生草本植物根际土盐分有降低趋势 ,2 7个采样点中仅有 7个样点根际土盐分是增加的 ;盐生灌木根冠区土壤盐分的变化与植株生长状况有关 ,幼龄树和生长旺盛的灌木根冠区盐分变化不明显 ,根际土盐分甚至略有下降 ,随着生长势的衰弱 ,根际土、冠下土和边缘土均表现出土壤盐分的增加 ,增加最明显的地带为树冠边缘 ,根冠区有逐渐形成“盐分岛”的趋势 ,盐生灌木具有生物积盐作用 .稀盐盐生植物和泌盐盐生植物根冠区Na+ /K+ 比均呈降低趋势 ,5 3个采样点中仅有 14个采样点的根际土Na+ /K+ 比高于背景土 ,在 31个冠下土采样点中仅有 10个采样点的冠下土Na+ /K+ 比提高 ,但柽柳、白刺生长衰弱后边缘土Na+ /K+ 比有回升趋势 ;拒盐盐生植物芦苇根际土Na+ /K+ 比则有增加趋势 ,4个采样点中有 3个采样点根际土Na+ /K+ 比提高 .SO4-2 /Cl-比的变化在稀盐盐生植物、泌盐盐生植物和拒盐盐生植物间存在差异 ,稀盐盐生草本植物 16个采样点中有 10个样点根际土SO4-2 /Cl-比增加 ,但稀盐盐生灌木根际土、冠下土SO4-2 /Cl-比降低 ,边缘土增加 ;SO4-2 /Cl-比在泌盐盐生植物根际土、冠下土和边缘土中均呈明显的降低趋势 ,2 0个根际土采样点中仅 3个采样点SO4-2 The results showed that among the 27 sampling sites, the salt content in rhizosphere of herbaceous halophytes increased at 7 sites and decreased at 20 sites. The variation of soil salt content in the RUE micro-area of shrubby halophytes was related to the growth status of the plants. The salt content in rhizosphere decreased a little at the early stage of plant development, but that in RUE micro-area tended to increase and accumulated most quickly at the site of the canopy edge soil.An obvious variation of salt components was found in the RUE micro-area of different types of halophytes. The Na +/K + ratio tended to decrease in succulent halophytes and salt secrete halophytes. Among 53 sampling sites, only 14 sampling sites had a higher ratio of Na +/K + in rhizosphere soil than in background soil, and only 10 sampling sites had a higher ratio of Na +/K + in canopy-under soil than in background soil. However, the Na +/K + ratio in the canopy edge soil of Tamarix and Nitraria tended to increase when they grew weakly. By contraries, the Na +/K + ratio in the rhizosphere was higher than that in background soil at 3 of 4 sampling sites of Phragmites australia , which indicated that the Na +/K + ratio in the rhizosphere of exclude halophytes tended to increase. The variation of SO_4 2- /Cl -ratio in the RUE micro-area was different in the 3 types of halophytes. For salt secrete halophytes, it decreased obviously in rhizosphere soil, canopy-under soil and canopy-edge soil; for succulent herbaceous halophytes, it tended to increase in rhizosphere soil; and for succulent shrubby halophytes, it tended to decrease in rhizosphere and in canopy-under soil, and tended to increase in canopy-edge soil. The SO_4 2- /Cl - ratio had no big change for exclude-halophytes. The reduction of the salts in rhizosphere of herbaceous halophytes was mainly because of their plant uptake, and the accumulation of salts in the RUE micro-area of shrubby halophytes was because the salt absorbed from the around soil returned to the RUE micro-area again. Because of the selective uptake by plant, the salt component varied with different types of halophytes. Most halophytes except Phragmites australia take more Na +, and hence the Na +/K + ratio in the rhizosphere tends to decrease. The SO_4 2- /Cl - ratio in the RUE micro-area of salt secrete halophytes trended reduce, mainly because this type of halophyte can secrete more Cl - with its growth.
出处 《应用生态学报》 CAS CSCD 2004年第1期53-58,共6页 Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology
基金 中国科学院百人计划资助项目 (2 0 0 10 0 7)
关键词 盐生植物 根冠区 盐分 Halophyte, Rrhizosphere, Salt content.
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