大屯煤电公司矸石热电厂为节约用水 ,将处理后的生活污水用作循环冷却水。对于污水处理厂的排水 ,若其中悬浮物小于 2 0mg/L ,可直接用于循环冷却 ,否则须进行混凝澄清预处理。工程投用两年来 ,凝汽器端差常年保持小于 5℃ ,完全能满足电厂要求 ,且投资仅一年多即可收回 ,经济、环境效益显著。
The situation of using residential sewerage after treatment as circulatory cooling water in gangfiring thermal power plant of Datun Coal & Power Company in order to reduce water consumption has been presented. For discharged water from the sewerage treatment plant, if suspended matter in the said water is less than 20 mg/L, the discharged water can directly be used for circulatory cooling, otherwise, pretreatment as coagulation and settlement should be carried out. Other treatment measures, such as bactericide dosing, treatment for scaleretarding, gumball cleaning and ferroussulfate filmforming in condenser tubes etc., have been taken as in common power plants. In consecutive two years after putting the said project into operation, the terminal temperature difference of condenser keeps lower than 5℃ in the whole year, satisfying fully the requirements of power plant, and retrieving the capital investments only in more than one year, having remarkable economic and environmental benefits.
Thermal Power Generation