近年来多肽和蛋白质类药物的缓释或控释给药系统发展很快,尤其倾向于使用以生物可降解聚合物 (biodegradable polymer) 制成的毫微球剂、微球剂为载体来制备长效注射剂。本文综述了近年来多肽、蛋白质药物微球给药系统概况,生物降解型微球的制备方法,释药理论,各种多肽、蛋白质药物的进展和研究中存在的问题。
This article introduces the conception of protein microsphere, the s election of carrier material, the method of preparation for biodergrad able controlled release microsphere and drug release mechanism of the systems, and also reviews the research and the problems in some area. P LA/PLGA is a kind of biodegradable polymers with good bio- compatibility. It was found that PLA/PLGA-MS can be used as a carrier material for proteins and peptides and the drug release rate could be controlled by the degradation of PLA/PLGA-MS. The material was applied in medical r esearch.
Jilin Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine