在信息化大潮席卷全球的今天 ,现代民主政治也被赋予了全新的内容和形式。政治民主化、政治合法化、政治现代化是现代政治文明的基本特征。党的十六报告提出推行电子政务 ,这毫无疑问是适应信息时代迅速发展的需要。推行电子政务 。
Since the information tide is sweeping across the globe nowadays. Cont emporary politics is endowed with complete new contents and forms. Political dem ocracy and political legalization and political modernization are the basic char acteristics of the political civilization. Electronic government affairs is put forward in the political report in the 16th Congress of the CCP .Without doubt, it suits the requirements of the quick development of the information tide . It will greatly push the political civilization development to develop an electroni c government affairs and construct an electronic government.
Journal of Suihua Teachers College