中国共产党作为我国的执政党 ,其执政方式的确立及演变有一个历史过程 ,取决于各方面的因素。在新的历史条件下 ,也要适应国情和社会环境的变化而不断的改进 ,从而使党的领导效能趋向优化 ,更快的把我们国家带入现代化社会。本文就试图从法律角度来研究我党执政方式的演变与改进 。
Way in power is the means by which part y in power is in office. It r estrains by politics system, economics system and culture tradition. The way in power by the Communist Party of China went through three stages: formation, impr ovement and perfection. It is going to march in the direction of governing a cou ntry relying on the law. Analysing why it is so and improving it is still a urge nt and difficult task..
Journal of Suihua Teachers College