区域差异是区域发展中普遍存在的问题 ,区域空间结构的优化与调整是缩小区域差异 ,推动区域协调发展的重要手段。本文以江苏省为例 ,根据江苏省当前存在的区域差异 ,以及区域差异在空间上的表现 ,指出 1990年代以来 ,随着江苏省交通基础设施的改善为空间结构的调整提供了有利条件。沿江的轴线发展为带状 ,线形结构向菱形结构转变 ,以苏南沪宁线为主的沿江“一”字型空间结构将逐步向处于形成中的“工”、“Ⅱ”字型转化。区域空间结构的调整将会推动产业在空间上的转移 ,缩小区域间的差异 ,推动区域间的协调发展。
Regional differentiation generally exists in the regional development. The regional spatial structure adjustment and optimization are important means to shorten the region differentiation and impel the regional harmonious development. Because of the location、history、resource、infrastructure and so on, The regional differentiation among the Sunan、Suzhong and Subei of Jiangsu is obvious. The regional differentiation in the respect of special structure represents that Sunan is the network, Suzhong the line structure and Subei the point structure. The special structures in every district reflect the developing extent of every region and influence the further development of each district. The main problem of special structure in Jiangsu is that it is short of the axis which is linked with the south and north of Jiangsu, the line to connect the respect central cities in Suzhong and the passage to link up the two axises alone the yangzi river. Except for the Xuzhou and Lianyugang, there isn't the other new growth point, so the aggregation power and radiation power of the axial line were not exerted fully. Those problems have restricted the regional economical development of Jiangsu severely. So it is necessary to adjust the special structure and improve the regional harmonious development. With the improvement of traffic infrastructure, the railway and road building, the bridge construction and the port rebuilding and extension have provided the availible condition for the adjustment of Jiangsu spatial structure in the 1990s. The adjustment of rational special structure will improve the industrial structure regulation and transference in the space, strengthen the linkage of cities which face to each other, boost the procession of regional integration, shorten the distance of the cities, build the special growth triangle, reinforce the intensity that the south and north radiate to the middle, narrow the gradient differentiation among the districts, and impel the harmonious development among the regions.
Human Geography
国家"2 11"二期工程重大项目 :"不同时空尺度环境演变和生态建设"资助
regional differentiation
the adjustment of spatial structure
the regional harmonious development