
中学生连环数运算中的工作记忆资源分配策略 被引量:5

The Strategies of Middle School Students' Distributing Working Memory Resources in the Running\|Arithmetic Tasks
摘要 以初一到高三274名中学生为被试,以连环数认知运算为实验材料,对中学生工作记忆资源的分配策略进行了考察,结果表明:中学生工作记忆资源的分配存在多种策略,且具有多样性;外部策略的正确性高于内部策略和内外部结合策略;中学生使用不同策略解决问题的反应时差异显著;以学生的策略选择的百分比和策略的正确率与解题速度为指标综合考察学生的策略选择来看,中学生较倾向于选择正确率较高的策略。 274 graders from 7 to 12 were selected from two middle school to explore the strategies of adolescents' distributing working memory resources in solving the runningarithmetic problems. The results showed: Multiple strategy has been used in adolescents' distributing working memory resources. There are at least eleven strategies that individuals used for distributing working memory in solving the runningarithmetic problems. Different strategies differed in the accuracy and solution time. The external strategy is superior to the internal strategy and the associative strategy of internal and external. The different strategies are quite different in the solution time. If the percent of strategies use, accuracy and solution time are all considered, middle school students are more likely to use strategies in more accuracy.
出处 《心理发展与教育》 CSSCI 北大核心 2003年第4期39-45,共7页 Psychological Development and Education
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(30170328) 全国优秀博士学位论文作者专项基金资助项目(200209).
关键词 中学生 连环数认知运算 工作记忆资源 分配策略 正确率 middle school students working memory strategy
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