
3~5岁儿童模式认知能力发展的研究 被引量:9

A Study on 3~|5 Years Old Children's Pattern Ability
摘要 选取北京市10所幼儿园的249名3~5岁儿童为被试,采用概括抽象程度不同的任务对儿童的模式复制和扩展能力进行个别测查。结果表明:(1)儿童早期模式认知能力发展的年龄主效应显著,性别主效应显著,年龄与性别的交互作用显著。(2)儿童模式复制能力在3 5~4 5岁之间发展较为迅速,模式扩展能力在4~5岁之间发展较为迅速。(3)儿童的模式复制能力无显著性别差异,但女孩的模式扩展能力显著高于男孩。(4)儿童的模式复制能力显著高于模式扩展能力,随着年龄的增长它们之间的差距有减小的趋势。(5)随着年龄的增长,儿童在模式复制和模式扩展任务中所犯错误水平在下降。 Thsi research was designed to explore the developmental characteristics and regularities of children's pattern ability.249 children aged 3\|5 years participated in this study.We tested children's abilities of pattern duplication and extension with standard procedure.The results indicated:1.With the increase in age,children's pattern duplication increases gradually,and the development from 3\^5\|years old to 4\^5 is very quick;children's pattern extension increases gradually,and the development from 4\|years old to 5\|years old is very quick.2.Girls' developmental level of pattern extension is higher than boys'.3.Children's developmental level of pattern duplication is higher than that of pattern extension and the differences decrease gradually from 3 to 5 years old.4.With the increase in age,children's level of errors in the pattern duplication and extension decrease gradually.
出处 《心理发展与教育》 CSSCI 北大核心 2003年第4期46-52,共7页 Psychological Development and Education
基金 国家攀登计划项目(95 专 09).
关键词 儿童 模式认知能力 年龄差异 性别差异 模式复制能力 模式扩展能力 pattern pattern cognition pattern duplicatipn pattern extension
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