根据水量平衡原理建立干流区间河道水量平衡关系,得到干流河道水量自然补损计算方程.利用1956~1979年干流区间自产天然径流量与区间河道上下游控制站天然径流量、区间降水量系列之间的线性相关性,延长得到黄河流域1951~1998年龙羊峡以下6个干流区间逐月自产天然径流量,并计算分析各干流区间的干流河道自然补损水量.结果表明:多年平均河口镇-龙门干流区间和三门峡-花园口干流区间河道水量补充大于损失,其余区间干流河道水量为损失大于补充.总体上,龙羊峡以下区间干流河道净自然损失水量多年平均为35.43×108 m3,而且呈增大趋势,20世纪90年代达到最高,平均为44.16×108 m3/年.
The interactions between river runoff and air water exist in the forms of precipitation and evaporation. These interactions are parts of 'four waters' interactions. Only consumed water and changing volumes of reservoirs are recalculated in the natural runoff recalculation and the water natural loss in the river channels have been deducted, so it is important to know the changes of natural runoff controlled by hydrological stations at river sections from quantitative analysis of the net water natural loss in the river channels, especially in the main river channel. First, the water balance equation is set based on the water balance principle to find the relationships between Q RN , Q C , P and Q L in the river channel. Then the net water natural loss in six main river channels of the Yellow River are calculated. At last, the varieties of the net water natural loss in the main channels of the Yellow River are analyzed, and the conclusions are: (1) The water supplement is more than loss in the regions of Hekouzhen-Longmen and Sanmenxia-Huayuankou, while the water supplement is less than loss in the other regions in the river channels of the Yellow River. (2) Since 1960, the net water supplement has got less and less in the regions of Hekouzhen-Longmen and Sanmenxia-Huayuankou, but the net water natural loss is more and more in the other river channels. In all, the net water natural loss in the river main channels is increasing gradually and the value is 44.16×10 8 m 3 in the 1990s. (3) The over-exploitation of groundwater is the essential reason for the increase of net water natural loss in the Yellow River.
Acta Geographica Sinica
net water natural loss
water balances
natural runoff
correlation analysis
the Yellow River