医护人群的心理卫生对自身和服务对象有双重影响。本文从职业环境角度对医护人群的心理卫生影响进行了探索。认为目前医护人群存在的心理卫生问题为 :心身耗竭现象、职业自信受挫、人格偏态、“强迫症象”。作者提出了 4项防护对策 :1加强心身医学的实用性研究 ;2加大心身医学知识学习与宣传的力度 ;3加大心身医学的管理力度 ;4创造人际沟通环境。
The psychological health of doctors and nurses has a double effect on themselves and the service objects. The article probed from the perspective of professional environment into the effect of psychological health of doctors and nurses, and pointed out the existing psychological problems. They are physical and mental exhaustion, setback in professional confidence, and paranoid personality. The author puts forward four measures, which are: strengthen pragmatic research on mental health;promote knowledge on mental health; implement strict management; and create a harmonious environment of communication.
Hospital Administration Journal of Chinese People's Liberation Army