本研究采用黄萎病菌毒素处理棉苗子叶圆片,结果表明毒素处理后的棉苗子叶组织的磷素外渗量明显提高,随着毒素处理浓度的提高,磷素外渗量总体上有逐渐提高的趋势。相关分析明表明:磷素相对外渗率与黄萎病指呈显著正相关,相关系数R为0 949、决定系数R2为0 901。文章最后讨论了采用毒素处理棉苗子叶组织,建立黄萎病病指室内鉴定方法的可行性。
Dealing with cotton seedling cotyledon by adopted vertillium wilt.The result indicated that transudation of phosphorus in cotyledon histology obviously increase phosphorus transudation will gradually increase by improvement of vertillum wilt density.This article expounded the feasiblity of establity vertillium wilt index laboratory appraise methods by adopted poison deal wilt cotton seedling cotyledon histology.
Jiangxi Cottons