数十年前 ,中国铁路曾经使用过前苏联引进的两冲程柴油机内燃机车。那种两冲程柴油机给中国铁路留下了很坏的印象。其实两冲程柴油机的概念本身并没有错。经过在设计上的不懈努力 ,通用汽车公司机车部的710型两冲程机车柴油机的综合表现完全可以与四冲程机车柴油机相媲美。本文较为详细地介绍了通用汽车公司机车部的
Chinese Railway had used the two-cycle diesel engine powered locomotives introduced from Russia decades ago and got very bad impression to the two-cycle engine technology.As a matter of fact,the concept or idea of the two-cycle diesel engine is not bad.With the continuous design improvement and evolution,the comprehensive performances of the GM EMD 710 two-cycle diesel engine are as good as the four-cycle diesel engine.This paper will give you a detail description of the GM EMD 710 two-cycle diesel engine.
Railway Locomotive & Car